Biqe network Anonymization Solutions

Redacting personal data

The GDPR legislation requires institutions and companies to anonymize documents. No data should be visible or findable in your documents that can be traced back to an individual. When these documents are published, the personal data must be unreadable and unrecognizable.
Biqe provides powerful software that allows you to easily edit personal data and fully comply with the rules of the GDPR. You can easily get started with our software yourself, or you can engage our anonymizing service and have the anonymizing process done.

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Biqe network Anonymization Solutions – BnAS

Do your scanned documents contain text? If so, you’ll want to redact only the privacy-sensitive data within your text documents, leaving the remaining, non-sensitive text data searchable.

With our special anonymizing software, you can be assured that your documents comply with the AVG standard. This anonymizing process (circle view) consists of 9 steps.

Our software allows you to anonymize your privacy-sensitive information yourself, or you can leave the entire anonymization process to us!

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1. Import

The images (scanned documents) are imported.

2. Settings

Settings for your route, such as the export format and the desired OCR export.

3. Processing

Processing services enhances your images (straightening, letter enhancement for better OCR).

4. OCR

The recognition server performs the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) process.

5. Adjustments

Add ‘forgotten’ words in a list that are still automatically anonymised.

6. Quality Control

In Quality Control (QC), you can check the images one-to-one and anonymise them.

7. Check

Set the percentage of your documents you want to subject to post-checking.

8. Data

Print info reports: amount of words anonymised, automatically and manually, which documents were anonymised, when and by whom, and more.

9. Export

After approval, your images are exported to the folder you set up.

Biqe network Anonymization Solutions – BnAS

Do your scanned documents contain text? If so, you’ll want to redact only the privacy-sensitive data within your text documents, leaving the remaining, non-sensitive text data searchable.

With our special anonymizing software, you can be assured that your documents comply with the AVG standard. This anonymizing process (circle view) consists of 9 steps.

Our software allows you to anonymize your privacy-sensitive information yourself, or you can leave the entire anonymization process to us!

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1. Import

De images (gescande documenten) worden geïmporteerd.

2. Settings

Instellingen voor uw traject, zoals het export-format en de gewenste OCR-export.

3. Processing

Processing services verbetert uw images (rechtzetten, letterverbetering voor betere OCR).

4. OCR

De Recognition server voert het OCR proces (Optical Character Recognition) uit.

5. Adjustments

Voeg ‘vergeten’ woorden toe in een lijst die alsnog automatisch worden geanonimiseerd.

6. Quality Control

In de Quality Control (QC) kunt u de images een-op-een controleren en anonimiseren.

7. Check

Instellen hoeveel procent van uw documenten u wilt onderwerpen aan nacontrole.

8. Data

Info rapporten uitdraaien: hoeveelheid geanonimiseerde woorden, automatisch en handmatig, welke documenten zijn geanonimiseerd, wanneer en door wie, en meer.

9. Export

Na goedkeuring worden uw images geëxporteerd naar de door u ingestelde map.

We have the knowledge, software and service to relieve you in all respects when it comes to anonymization according to the GDPR regulations.

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