BIQE Packages

We made our BIQE Packages, based on more than 25 years of experience.
With so many years of experience, we know what works. We know what is out there en we know what the (high) costs are. That is why we believe you should get the best scan resultpossible, without making any extra costs.

Within our packages we offer three options:

  • BIQE Basic package
    A fast, user friendly option for everyone who wants to be able to make a scan,
    fast and easy.
  • BIQE Advanced package
    A very fast and user friendly options, for those who want to process many scans at once – without losing speed.
  • BIQE Professional package
    An exceptional fast and user friendly option, for professionals who want to process an enormous amount of documents at once – without losing any speed.

Do mind:
BIQE is always fast. We don’t bound you to a maximum of output when it comes to processing your scans. The differences between our packages mainly concern the speed of processing – which BIQE always offers – combined with the whether or not exceptional amount of scans you want to process in one go.

If you have any questions or if you just would like to receive more information, please feel free to contact us. We do wish to offer you the best product and help you the best we can!

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